Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Taking and giving

So this post is a bit of an announcement / cry for help. I really want to better myself regarding this whole prop replica-making thing (because, as it turns out, it is all kinds of crazy fun to do). Eventually it would be super awesome to sell some creations but I'm nowhere near that level yet, and if I want to get to that level, I need to practice. So, what, then?

So give me ideas. If you give me an idea for something to make, and I make it, and you like the results (and if it's not cripplingly-cost-prohibitive), it's yours. Free*.

So please, leave a comment or whatever with something you think would be awesome to see come to life. Please note I will only work from suggestions posted in the comments below, so that there is a documented chronology to requests.


*yes, an exception! Free except shipping and handling, which would be determined at the time of shipping


  1. The gun from Blade Runner. The helmet from Dead Space. The pyramid helmet Doc Brown wears in Back to the Future. Translucent brain slugs. Neurohelmet for my Mechwarrior movie I'm shooting in my basement.

    1. Hmm. Isaac Clarke's helmet might be fun. Deckard's pistol would also be interesting, definitely more of a woodworking project there.

  2. A working animatronic hand atop one's head, in order to flesh out that whole Dr. Otto look from the Ernest series.

    1. Definitely falls under "Cripplingly cost prohibitive"

  3. An omni tool/blade from masseffect :)

  4. or a black rider costume (from Durarara) plus helmet O.o

    Would love a full femshep armor set but probably pricey pm me :)

    1. I do believe that a full set of N7 armor falls under "cripplingly cost-prohibitive", but the Durarara helmet might be feasible. Challenges there include shape perfection and smoothness. Hm. I'll let you know. Thanks!

  5. From Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Holy hand grenade, King Arthur's helmet/crown, French guards helmet, black knight's helmet. Any or all of these would be fantastic

    1. I think the Hold Hand Grenade of Antioch needs to happen.
